Tuesday, April 28, 2015

My Spiritual Formation During Spring Semester 2015

            I had an odd resistance to praying part of the Liturgy of the Hours was recommended as part of spiritual formation for this course. I had chosen and benefited from praying it regularly a few years back.  Since then I had filled my time with other kinds of reflection and prayer, and was reluctant to change gears. Again, though I found it calmed and grounded me, and the discipline of doing it, brought a touch of God into my day. My favorite part of the Office of readings has always been the excerpt from one of the Church fathers, or the saint of the day, or even church documents. This class extended this though the collection of excerpts in Maxwell Johnson’s book. I love when ancient words or the writings of Christian notables are thought provoking or bring some inspiration to my 21st century life.

            As I reflect on this, I am not sure I have really learned to pray the Divine Office. When I read it, I try to reflect, listen, and learn. Yet I am not sure I have learned to pray it instead of reading it. On a trip to Gainesville, FL I found the Divine Office being done throughout the day   in the Catholic chapel at University of Florida. I wish I could find a place to walk into like that here where it was as well prayed and well sung. Since I am a person that draws much from people I think that regularly praying it in a group setting would teach, and then enrich what I do on my own.  

            There are also things I have taken from this class. It’s hard not to see more about Church, liturgy and sacraments, and not have it enrich my own reflection and prayer. This is also true of having everyone put their own special touch and lead the class prayer, but then my classmates are a great source of inspiration to me.

Johnson, Maxwell E, ed.  Sacraments and Worship. Louisville. Westminster John Knox. 2012.

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