I was born as Vatican II was being written so my spiritual formation
came in the duality of the pre and post Vatican II doctrine. My aunt, a devout Catholic who helped raised
me, would probably feel most comfortable with The Institutional Model of
Church. She believed without question
what church leaders taught and would never question the authority of the male
clergy. I did learn the importance of God and going to mass from her even
though I found that model to be a bit oppressive.
In junior high school I was introduced to the Model of
Church as a Mystical Communion,or as LumenGentium reaffirms, the Body of Christ. Dulles describes the Church structure as “an instrument serving Christ’s
Spirit, who vivifies it in the building up his Body". (48) Vivify - to give life to, animate, to enliven That is exactly how I
would describe my experience, thanks in part to the Teresian Sisters who
taught me. They introduced me to liturgical dance, they enlivened me in the spirit
of God’s love, they welcomed me into the Body of Christ and made it real for
me. I felt part of the church as Yves Congar described
it, “a fellowship of men with God and with one another in Christ”. This feeling
sustained me for years, yet I wanted more.
In college I was part of the Awakening Community. At this point I more fully experienced Church
as Sacrament. Community and fellowship continued to be important to me but
attending mass and becoming a Eucharistic Minister had renewed importance. “The
Church, then, is the place where it appears most clearly that the love that
reconciles men to God and to one another is a participation in what God communicates
most fully in Christ”. (66)
Having experienced 3 models of church each of which added to
my faith formation, perhaps its not a question of choosing one over the other but
learning from each of them and integrating the positive points.
In reflecting on my experience of Church it seems to
me that a sound model would encompass a living church , a People of God rooted
in tradition, led by sound doctrine and the Word, able to speak to today’s
generation and able to tend to God’s people through service. If we are all a part of the church, do we help shape it through our individual gifts? How do we help shape the Church today?
Through Spiritual
Direction, I have begun to explore some of these same aspects in my life. How do I balance fellowship, prayer, worship, sacraments, theology and service? I am learning
what my gifts are and how God is calling them out (Ekklesia) in service to Him
and His Church. In pursuing an
internship in spiritual direction I hope to help others find their own balance
of communion, sacrament, worship and prayer and to hear and answer God’s call.