Wednesday, April 29, 2015

A Newfound Inspiration in Liturgy of the Hours

I had heard of Liturgy of the Hours through learning about how the monks prayed several times of day using this method of prayer. However, it was not until this semester that I truly began using this style of prayer; I had not seriously considered it until I read Sockey’s book. This book inspired me over time to open my heart to this prayer and I began early on to start a routine on praying the Liturgy of the Hours. This rhythm of prayer is unique because of the number of Canticles, Hymns, and Psalms that we say that help us reflect on our day as well as the movement of the season. Currently, in Easter season, I notice how we are constantly praising how the Lord has risen, and then we say “Alleluia.” We praise the Lord because we know that He rose in order that He may fulfill His promise to us that we would be reborn in the Holy Spirit and be a part of His new covenant. Right now this affirmation of praising God has given me a chance to reflect and appreciate the gifts God has given me - even if times have been tough.

I notice that during this prayer I am much calmer than I would have been had I not started the Liturgy of the Hours. The more I pray, the more at peace I feel. There are days that I am really stressed out when praying the Liturgy of the Hours; on these days, I am more affected by the world around me, and as a result I am merely reciting the words and not really focused on God speaking with me. Other days I am exhausted and find myself trying not to fall asleep. However, this same rhythm of prayer still gives me a chance to stay focused even on the worst of days, because of a routine I have established with God and Jesus when I pray to them. I once heard a homily on Ash Wednesday in which God actually likes it when we fall asleep during prayer - this means that He was our last thought. It made me think of Liturgy of the Hours - the last thing I should do before bed is to pray. Reflecting on the words of God and our Savior, as well as intercessions to continue to remain strong in faith, truly help put me to peace. This is how God is speaking to me - He wants me to feel at peace, to feel rejuvenated. Liturgy of the Hours is a few ten minute devotions to God. He wants us to take the time to be with Him. I know that when I take the time to reflect, I feel stronger. I feel God’s presence with me. Now is the time to truly thank Him for not only dying for us, but saving us by rising from the dead.

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