Wednesday, February 20, 2013

The Church as Catholic-

I am right there with you Simone and Rose.
Wow... I had never studied catholicity before, as I was also enlightened on what this truly means for the church.
The whole time I was reading the article, I was thinking... Oh my... where have we gotten off thinking we have the authority to judge and make that bold of a declaration when in reference to God's people.  I also was thinking... What would Jesus have done?  Not... what would the Lutheran clergy think or do, but what would the Almighty who reigns above all do?  How would He have responded to such a tragic event?  Within Pastor Morris' respond, he defined what this term Catholicity means.  It is within scripture where we turn to for the infallible word. "The Church is the one body of Christ in which divisions between peoples, specifically Jews and Gentiles, have been overcome." (Colossians 1:24-27)
Rausch states, "As this broken bread was scattered upon the mountains and being gathered together became one, so may thy Church be gathered together from the ends of the earth into Thy kingdom."  For the Church is scattered about with different beliefs, doctrine, etc., no doubt, but we are called to be gathered with all... to unite as one body so that we may be the light to unbelievers.
The readings introduced catholicity and what it means.  My prayer is that we all could truly come to an understanding of  the term, catholicity and how each Church should exhibit the "external marks of catholicity, openness to other churches, loyalty to the apostolic tradition, and a universal openness towards all human beings who profess faith in Christ."
Pastor Morris only did what Christ would have done... he reached out to the lost and hurting souls, which is what the Church is called to do and be.
In Jesus Name-  I pray to always have an adequate image of the Church that is visible and real.
God Bless-

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