Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Where has the time gone??? This semester flew by! I wish I had more time with all of you-

For me, this semester has been one of growing in knowledge and depth in my spiritual relationship with Christ. I chose to use two daily devotionals throughout this semester. One of my favorites that always seems to have the right words for each day is called "God Calling" by A.J. Russell. This is the fourth year in reading this devotional. Within this devotional, I have little notes on each day with the year next to them. I continue to do this so that I can see where I was spiritually and emotionally on that exact day of the previous years. This not only allows me to see what I was going through, but humbles me in gratefulness of all that Christ has brought me through. After I read my daily devotional in "God Calling," I then read out of a second daily devotional called, "Jesus Calling" by Sarah Young. I started this daily devotional at the beginning of the semester and I love it. This devotional not only shares a precious message for each day, but then follows with correlating scripture. This allows me to refer to the Bible and read the scripture word for word bringing new and fresh insight to my soul.

Beginning each day with my devotional and quiet time with Christ is what starts my day off with the mindset of Christ. Psalms 5:3 says, "My voice shalt thou hear in the morning, oh Lord; in the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee, and will look up." My devotional time with Christ allows me to start my day off directing my prayer unto thee, "looking up." Before I fill my mind with the "stuff" like turning on the "Today show" (my favorite) or looking at my phone, I instead choose to prepare and fill my mind with Christ and His words first. On the days when my mornings have been and are altered, it feels as though my day is "off," there is a feeling of "something just isn't quite right." With that being said, when I first arise in the morning, I want Him to hear and receive my praise, "looking up" to Him from whence cometh my help, my help that cometh from the Lord. Each new day, His word protects my mind, uplifts and encourages my spirit, and also humbles my spirit of His continuous mindfulness and faithfulness. Part of my daily prayer before and after reading the devotional texts is that I emulate to others all that I am reading. I pray that Christ shines so brightly through me that others see something they not only want, but HAVE to have. In Jesus Name, this is my true heart desire!
Throughout this semester, I have gained so much knowledge and depth in my spirituality; I cannot thank Christ enough for this amazing blessing of being at Loyola and having such an incredible professor and such lovely classmates. To God be ALL the Glory and Honor!

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