Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Liturgy, Symbol and Ritual

Hi Saints of God,

            I read only a portion of Moe’s post, because for some odd reason, I cannot pull it up in its entirety. However, I did have the pleasure of reading Carly’s post, and am able I think to understand a little more of what Moe stated. For me, Sundays are not enough, but it is a good start. I am at a place in my relationship with God, where I need Him every hour. My worship is unrelenting, and my praise a necessary action for my day to have any semblance of normalcy. Chupungco put it best when he wrote, “Liturgy is the action of Christ and the Church” (Chupungco, 31). Now I know he may have meant the physical buildings of brick and mortar, but I see the “Church” as the people of God as well. My worship is personal. Considering all that I am going through at this moment in my life, it is imperative for me to praise God through my circumstance, and worship Him for all He has done for me and my family, as well as what he continues to do.

            Carly hit upon a point I was leading up to when she wrote about Vorgrimler’s explanation about grace from God. God’s grace has sustained me thus far, and shall continue to carry me over this rough patch in my life. In response to Moe’s question, I pray that my understanding of it is correct (using Carly’s response as a guide). I have understood for some time now that it is through my praises and true worshipping of God our Father, His grace is continually upon me. As for my ministry, I will better be able to explain that we worship God through the Sacraments and Liturgy. There is a particular song I use to praise God with entitled “One God”, by Maurette Brown Clark, and to jump start my worship session, I use “Because of Who You Are”, by Vicki Yohe.

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